GRAFT Weekly Development Status Update December 3rd, 2018

Hi everyone, this is our brief weekly update on GRAFT development activities.

Last week, the core team was working on client release 1.13.2, RTA alpha bug fixing, and design of RTA protocol improvements. We are going to release those designs first in a form of RFC (request for comments) so the entire community could review and approve the ideas and make the design even more solid.

While the core dev team is focused on RTA, the client applications team is working on online (ecommerce) payment module and ETH pay-in broker. Although we have already implemented Bitcoin pay-in broker, Ethereum blockchain is very different from Bitcoin, which requires a different design of the exchange broker transaction flow. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum does not support multiple wallet addresses, and, unlike GRAFT, it does not support “built-in” payment IDs, so the broker must use a pool of wallets to accept multiple payments simultaneously. The goal is to enable , GRAFT pay-in broker support for most typical blockchain schemes, so adding a new crypto asset to the list of supported payment types will become a seamless task.

Finally, we’ve also been working on forward thinking wallet redesign with lots of (what we think are) super cool integrated features – we’ll be sharing that with you shortly.

Happy GRAFTing!

GRAFT Hybrid Community Development Model for 2019

GRAFT Weekly Development Status Update November 26, 2018

Time to embrace and structure community code contributions

We have made a tremendous progress over the last year – a stable mainnet, an alpha of the Full Supernode with real-time authorization, and a healthy lineup of components and applications meant to make the ecosystem work end-to-end and provide for adoption.

The other great news is that GRAFT has grown to the point where some significant community contributions are starting to come in – some in form of bug and exploits reports, others in form of algorithm tweaking, others as suggestions for various types of improvements.

While this is fantastic and a sign of a healthy open source project, it does pose a question of how to handle these contributions as, contrary to what it might seem like to a lay man, this is not a plug-and-play situation – these contributions need to be vetted, insured against overlaps, arbitrated in the case of conflicting suggestions, and finally tested extensively. The suggestions do take time to be processed and addressed and for a very busy team of core developers, it can be very time consuming.

Over all, this required quite a bit of thinking and deliberation. As we’re deciding on the model to follow, it’s important to consider different open source development models and their pros and cons.

A little background

Linux kernel development model

Open source projects are usually quite complex as they require coordinating efforts of many different parties, with wide variety of incentives. Because these folks are typically not compensated, they are free to pursue their own interests and beliefs. This typically leads to couple different models for the open source development. One such iconic model is Linux kernel. Despite the fact that Linux doesn’t have a single salaried core team of developers (other than Linus himself), for many years he acted as the project manager, coordinator, and central authority when it came to development decisions.

Now contrast this with Bitcoin’s decentralized development model, where there’s no single maintainer and any disagreement in strategy leads to a split of the project:

These splits not only waste time and energy that could be harnessed, but also create confusion in the market, as evidenced by recent market events.

Settling on a Hybrid Development Model

While we want to end up with a more of a decentralized development model, where the project takes a life of its own without the core devs being in the critical path, we realize that it will take time and efforts to build the community of developers and testers supporting the project. At this point most of external contributions are made by very few active contributors.

To facilitate this process we decided to adopt a hybrid strategy, where the core devs control the direction of the project and carry on the bulk of the development, while the community can organize their submissions into a separate tree that will then get merged into the main tree.

GRAFT Hybrid Community Development Model

To support this approach, someone needs to actively arbitrate the community development. We thought the most appropriate choice would be Jason (@jagerman42) who has graciously agreed to be a maintainer of the community tree. We invite others to step up as well as coordinators/maintainers if they feel like they are up to the task. We’re also open for any suggestions regarding further optimization of the development model.

We will also start publishing more of the design challenges and open issues for the dev community to be informed earlier of the core team’s thinking and to solicit community feedback earlier in the development process.

We’re looking forward to moving towards this model and further evolving the community contribution practices as the project evolves.

How GRAFT Is Similar To And At The Same Time Different From Visa And Other Payment Card Networks (Part 2)

Slava Gomzin, Co-Founder of GRAFT

In the previous post we reviewed the similarities between GRAFT and plastic card networks. Now let’s review the differences.

Difference #1 – Decentralization

There is such a key property of GRAFT Network that fundamentally differentiates it from plastic cards. Unfortunately, not all buyers realize and appreciate this property immediately because it is not that obvious to the average consumer, especially in developed countries. And let’s be completely honest with ourselves here – not everyone cares about this property – it’s not until you find yourself in, not before your get into a situation that it suddenly becomes very important. I am talking about decentralization.

The card processing consists of several elements represented by multiple corporations: payment networks (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.), issuing and acquiring banks (such as Chase, Bank of America, etc.), and payment processors (such as First Data, Heartland, etc.). Each corporation has its rules and compliance to national governments, which means they can reject any merchant or buyer, anytime. They can put you out of business, make you “persona non grata” – without any reason, notice, or explanation, just because you don’t fit their requirements – by declining your credit card application, decreasing your credit limit, locking your funds, or cancelling your merchant account. Millions of people live behind the “invisible wall” built by those corporations and governments, without access to banking system, i.e. without ability to use credit/debit cards.

Unlike plastic cards, GRAFT Network does not belong to anyone. GRAFT is more a protocol rather than a product due to its open source nature and peer-to-peer architecture. Therefore, the buyers and merchants cannot be either rejected or approved: they simply connect to the network (by downloading free apps) and start using it, no strings attached. But remember that unlike typical ”bare” cryptocurrencies, the features #1 – 4 from above are still there to satisfy both buyers and merchants standards on the same level as they are satisfied by payment card processors, only without centralization.

Difference #2 – Privacy

Another key difference is somewhat related to #1; however, it is completely separate feature, which is achieved by using special additional technical means rather then just solely based on the fact that GRAFT is independent from corporations and governments. What’s really similar to #1 is the fact that for some people this property may not been important at first glance – again, until you get into specific situation when it does become important. This property is absolute privacy provided by GRAFT Network to both buyer and merchant. Unlike plastic cards and most cryptocurrencies, GRAFT’s sender address, recipient address, transaction amount, and transaction fee amount are invisible to everyone except for the sender and recipient themselves. Although payment card networks do not expose the details of transaction to the public, this data is accessible by employees of multiple corporations, can be shared with governments, and can be stolen by hackers. Unlike plastic cards, no employees or hackers can access GRAFT transaction data which is encrypted forever – thanks to strong cryptography and underlying blockchain’s CryptoNote protocol.

Difference #3 – Security

Security is another thing that differentiate GRAFT Network from plastic cards. I spent years working on security of plastic cards payments . This technology was created in 1960s, and improved in 1990s by introducing EMV – “chip and pin” cards. But back then, even in 1990s, people were not very familiar with terms like “cybersecurity” or “hacker”, so the technology was not designed with security in mind. The result – a multi-million industry called “credit card fraud” that flourishes to this day.

I am not saying cryptocurrencies don’t have security issues at all – everything related to computers and network has potential security issues. However, if you manage your wallets and keys properly, the security of GRAFT for both buyers and merchants is much stronger than plastic cards: no chargebacks, no lost or stolen cards with the primary account number embossed on the face of the card, and no hacked point of sale systems with millions and millions of payment card records stolen and sold on dark market.

Difference #4 – Technology

Let’s not forget about technology – payment cards use centralized networks, relational databases, and centrally managed customer and merchant accounts. GRAFT uses decentralized peer-to-peer network, distributed blockchain database, and random wallet addresses which are not linked to customer identities.

GRAFT “inherits” all the positive features of traditional payment card processing networks while offering solutions to negative sides of centralized, insecure, olding technology. Give it a try!

How GRAFT Is Similar To And At The Same Time Different From Visa And Other Payment Card Networks (Part 1)

Slava Gomzin, Co-Founder of GRAFT

GRAFT Network is often compared to credit and debit card processing networks such as Visa, Mastercard, and other plastic payment brands. Most of the time such a comparison is focused solely on the differences while in fact GRAFT and payment card networks have some (good) things in common. In this post I will try to describe both similarities and differences.

Let’s start with the good things that both GRAFT and plastic cards have in common. GRAFT “borrowed” many good features from payment cards, which have been tried and tested for over 50 years, and become a defacto standard for payments in that time.

Similarity #1 – No cost to the user

Traditionally in cryptocurrency, transaction fees are paid for by the buyer – a practice that goes against the grain of payment workflows in the global merchant space, where transaction fees get charged to the vendor. Just like with plastic cards, GRAFT Network does not charge the buyer a fee for processing a payment transaction. This difference might seem to be insignificant, but in reality it is one of the most important features which positions GRAFT on the right side of the user experience battle. After so many years of plastic card payments, where the buyer is not even aware of transaction fees paid by merchants, Bitcoin and other crypto started “forcing” consumers to pay “network” fees for each transaction including in-store purchases. This setup creates an inhibition to spending and is one of the reasons cryptocurrencies are still not widely supported by mainstream consumers as a payment method at checkout. In some cases, the fees reach an incredible amount, often making the purchase itself illogical. Would you buy a cup of coffee that costs $3 and pay another $1 (extra 33%) as a “network fee” if you can pay just $3 by credit or debit card? GRAFT resolves this problem by charging the merchant instead of the buyer, just like plastic cards do, leaving it to the merchant to price their goods and services accordingly

Similarity #2 – Predictable transaction costs

There is another, more serious problem with cryptocurrency transaction fees: inconsistency. Retail is a tough business with small margins, and it likes predictability. Retailers want to be able to know in advance what part of the revenue they take home and what part they pay to the payment processor. Payment card brands recognized this issue many years ago and resolved by setting very consistent rules. The fees may vary based on amount and type of transaction, but they always can be calculated in advance. The most important rule is that there is always a rule. For example, the processor can charge the merchant 3% + $0.20 for each transaction. If the merchant sells its product for a total of $10,000 today to 100 customers, they know they will pay $320 in transaction fees.

Unlike payment cards, blockchain-based cryptocurrencies usually charge transaction fees based on the size of transaction record in kilobytes. It is impossible to predict the fee as the buyer’s wallet compiles the payment “on the fly” from a number of outputs of previous transactions which varies from wallet to wallet. If GRAFT only “flipped” the fees burden from buyers to merchants but kept the same common cryptocurrency approach to fee calculation, it wouldn’t work for merchants. So GRAFT made the fees predictable, dependant on transaction amount just like payment card brands. The authorization cost of a GRAFT Network transaction (paid to the supernodes supporting the network) is 0.5% of the transaction amount while the settlement (paid to the miners) is a fixed fee of 0.1 GRFT (more details about GRAFT fee structure can be found here). This helps bring predictability, and thus stability to the process, making accepting crypto payments more attractive to the merchants.

Similarity #3 – Special transaction types.

When we go deeper into the specifics of retail – especially the hospitality and gas station business – there are more exotic features of payment systems, and many people, including developers of other cryptocurrencies, have not developed around their existence, leaving big holes for cryptocurrency use in these areas. Most of us, however, are familiar with features such as pre-authorizations from our day to day life as consumers. Payment card brands developed these features because they were vital for many businesses to replace cash payments. Cryptocurrency designers, however, have underestimated the importance of brick-and-mortar business requirements because they focused mostly on online payments.

When you swipe your card at gas station to fill your car’s gas tank, your card is not charged immediately, but instead it is preauthorized for a particular amount set by the merchant or its payment processor; for example, $50. Preauthorization (aka “pre-auth”) ensures that your account has enough money to pay for the gas, up to $50, but it does not charge your account. Technically, you still have the $50, but temporarily you cannot spend it because pre-auth decrements your spending limit. It’s done this way because the pump does not know in advance how much gas will enter your tank (and how much you will have to pay for it). Once you’re finished fueling, the pump sends the exact amount to the network and finalizes the transaction. This operation is called completion because it actually completes the transaction. Completion unlocks the funds previously locked by pre-auth and charges your account for the exact amount. So if you owe the pump $25 for the gas, it will cancel your $50 hold and debit your bank account balance by $25 (or increase your available credit in the case of a credit card).

“Pre-auth”/”complete” mechanisms are also applicable in other big industries such as hospitality – when you check in to the hotel your card is pre-authorized for the approximated cost of your entire stay plus some additional amount for unexpected expenses. When you check out, your room your card is “completed” for the exact amount including your mini-bar charges. It sounds simple but there is a whole infrastructure behind the scenes supporting this. All existing cryptocurrencies lack “pre-auth/complete” functionality and therefore cannot be used as a method of payment at gas stations, hotels, and many other businesses. GRAFT fills this gap and provides a “pre-auth/complete” mechanism similar to plastic cards – thanks to the supernode infrastructure.

Similarity #4 – Real Time Authorizations

Finally, let’s talk about the most important feature provided by payment cards (this could very well have been listed at #1 but it’s important to emphasize the previous three as they are big challenges for the cryptocurrency paradigm that should not be overlooked). Payment cards work remarkably fast when it comes to authorization and preauthorization. Typically it takes a fraction of second (up to several seconds if their processor is slow) to get authorization or pre-authorization from Visa or most other card processing networks. It takes from several minutes to several hours to confirm payment with most cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin itself was designed for online transfers of funds where authorization time is not a critical factor. Bitcoin is more like a bank ACH transfer than a credit card payment. Most cryptocurrencies have followed Bitcoin’s design and inherited this “feature”. In the reality of brick-and-mortar stores, however, time is money, literally, as for these merchants more time spent on every payment means less customers (less revenue) and more cashiers (more expenses).

GRAFT Network processes instant authorizations and preauthorizations using special technology called Real Time Authorizations (RTA) which is accomplished through GRAFT’s decentralized supernode topology. Therefore, payments processed through the GRAFT Network are suitable for brick-and-mortar merchants.

This part is concluded now; in the next post, which will be published tomorrow, we will discuss key differences between GRAFT and plastic card networks. After all, there must be something fundamentally different in the way GRAFT processes payments, otherwise, why would anyone forget good old plastic card and rush to pay with crypto via GRAFT Network?

GRAFT Weekly Development Status Update November 19th, 2018

Hi everyone, this is our weekly update on GRAFT development activities.

Last week we released the RTA public alpha. We already have 283 RTA alphanet supernode testers – and counting! If you want to join the community please follow the instructions on GRAFT website.

The RTA alpha is a period for finding vulnerabilities in the design, from both a scaling and exploits point of view. We expect the RTA alpha testers to contribute to pushing the network’s scalability limits as well as security and usability.

Meanwhile, development team is continuing working on issues identified during the closed phase of RTA alpha. Additionally, we’ve started working on improvements to the authorization flow. The concept of supernodes/masternodes is not new, but the GRAFT transaction flow is unique. Unlike other supernode/masternode systems, GRAFT implements the payment flow between a buyer and a merchant, or more precisely – between a buyer’s mobile wallet and merchant’s point of sale app or terminal, in a brick-and-mortar store or online. Thus, there are nuances that require special handling.

With Thanksgiving approaching, we want to say a big thank you to all the RTA testers, GRAFT fans at large, and especially the community leaders like Jason (@jagerman42), Robbie (@CryptoRobo747), TechnicalTumbleweed (@TechnicalTumbleweed), Tiago (@el_duderino_007), and Patrick (@SomethingGettingWrong) for the great work they are doing in helping others get up and running. We don’t mention it often enough, and on occasion we get a little defensive, but we’re incredibly appreciative of such community efforts – GRAFT wouldn’t be where it is today without them and all of you! With that said, we are also working on amping up and streamlining community / developer collaboration processes – will have something very good to announce shortly along these lines!

As always, we appreciate detailed feedback and great ideas!

Happy Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday!

RTA Public Alpha Release

GRAFT Development Status Update November 12, 2018

Today is a very big day for GRAFT project – we’re releasing the new baby into the world!

The RTA Supernode is a linchpin of the GRAFT project, allowing the real-time transaction authorizations. To get to this point it took a lot of work engineering reliable transport protocol, supernode sample selection, all in a maintainable and modular way.

With the RTA Public alpha release, we’re opening the testing up to the wider public to further test and optimize its performance and reliability.

How to participate in RTA Public Alpha

  • Follow these instructions to install the RTA supernode
  • Submit this form to request the alphanet supernode PoS stake.
  • Join the RTA Alpha Telegram group to get more info about the testing process and share your findings and ideas with the community and developers.

What kinds of goals is RTA public alpha pursuing?

There are several goals for the RTA Public Alpha testing stage:

  • Find potential issues and bugs that cannot be found on a low scale network of closed alpha (about 50 participants/supernodes)
  • Allow supernode owners to get familiar with the supernode setup and maintenance processes so they will be fully prepared for the RTA Beta launch on the mainnet
  • Allow the supernode owners to estimate the earnings on the real network (the stimulus transactions will be running on public alphanet on the same or similar scale as they will be available on the mainnet after the Beta launch)
  • Most importantly, work on preparing the network for the mainnet launch by allowing community to discover any security holes and potential exploits
The RTA alpha is time to find vulnerabilities in the design, from both scaling and exploits point of view. We expect the RTA alpha testers to contribute to pushing the network’s scalability limits as well as security and usability. To that end we’re working on a bug bounty reward program that will be announced shortly.

What to expect?

  • November 12 – the RTA SN instructions are available to the community to build their RTA supernodes, configure them and connect to the Alphanet (RTA Alpha testnet)
  • November 14 – Transaction simulator availability – a special bot that will generate regular test transactions in the system
  • November 15 – Alphanet hard fork to enable the latest release of RTA supernodes and client apps; Wallet/POS RTA-compatible clients updates available via Apple app store
  • November 26Stimulus Tx package testing…

How long with the RTA public alpha last?

We don’t know what kind of things are going to get uncovered during the course of the public alpha, so it’s hard to put a date on the Mainnet beta release. 8 weeks is a good case scenario, but at this point it’s a rough target.

How to report bugs / suggestions?

Please funnel the bug reports and suggestions through our community dev liason – Jason R @jagerman..

Happy GRAFTing!


One good question that comes up often is

Do people really want to pay with cryptocurrency?

Some make an argument that people see cryptocurrency as a long term investment and don’t want to spend it on daily items, others say that merchants might be reluctant to accept crypto due to the regulatory uncertainty, yet other say that people are unlikely to pay with crypto due to its volatility.

Truth is, they all have a point and there will be limiting factors on crypto for payment adoption (at least for some time).

However! We want to point out that GRAFT’s main purpose in life is not crypto acceptance per se – but providing a decentralized credit/debit payment network alternative that doesn’t rely on issuing banks and spreads the fees across the network. Crypto acceptance makes a good first use case, but it doesn’t end there. From the user’s point of view it’s a way to have an alternative to traditional credit / debit cards with underlying privacy, reasonable rates, loyalty program consolidation, etc.

Here would be a typical decision tree that a user would be facing at the check out:

A community member had this to say on this topic, which is pretty on point:

Firstly, Graft is not a “Crypto POS” it’s a decentralized payment network that can be used at the POS or as an online payment gateway. We don’t need the widespread adoption of Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange for the Graft Network to be successful. For example, if the Graft Network ‘today’ was doing just 0.1% of the Visa Network’s transaction, then Graft SuperNodes would be returning close to 300% pa ( SuperNode owners would make exceptional income from SN rewards, thus the Graft price would rapidly increase). However, keep in mind that we are not just going after Visa, we are going after Mastercard, Amex, Diners, Paypal, Western Union …the list goes on.

2018 has seen a rise in the popularity of stable coins to address the volatility issue. There are now over 57 Launched or pre-launched stable coins. Because Graft is a payment Network, not just a payment processor ($GRFT coin acts like a utility token and becomes a gateway to accept other Cryptocurrencies) – so the Graft Network could, in theory, facilitate payment from any cryptocurrency, thus there’s no reason it can’t support a whole basket of stable coins (it just requires the backing of an exchange broker/ liquidity provider). There are also new gen coins coming out with Inflationary monetary policies (eg GRIN) which are designed for the purpose of becoming a medium of exchange (to mimic fiat currencies) . Soon the volatility risk or purchasing/receiving Crypto payments will be a thing of the past. Merchants will also be incentivized to receive Cryptocurrency due to lower fees….

As for consumers: A lot of people have this US/western mindset and still have lots of faith in government-backed fiat currencies. However, go ask the people of Venezuela, Argentina or Turkey how safe they feel holding their own Government backed currencies. If you look through the history of fiat currency, they always collapse/end in hyperinflation. It’s just a matter of time. Sure, widespread adoption of cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange could be years or decades away. However, as already mentioned, we don’t need widespread adoption for the Graft Network to be successful, we need less than 0.1% (between Visa/ MC/AMEX/ Dinners etc).

GRAFT Weekly Development Status Update November 5th, 2018

Hi everyone, this is our weekly update on GRAFT development activities.

RTA Alpha

GRAFT developers are currently launching RTA Public Alpha, which is targeted for November 12th, 2018, while preparing to start working on RTA Beta.

There are several goals for the RTA Public Alpha testing stage:

  • Find potential issues and bugs that cannot be found on a low scale network of closed alpha (about 50 participants/supernodes)
  • Allow supernode owners to get familiar with the supernode setup and maintenance processes so they will be fully prepared for the RTA Beta launch on the mainnet
  • Allow the supernode owners to estimate the earnings on the real network (the stimulus transactions will be running on public alphanet on the same or similar scale as they will be available on the mainnet after the Beta launch)
  • Most importantly, work on preparing the network for the mainnet launch by allowing community to discover any security holes and potential exploits

We would like to thank our community, and especially the alpha test group, for their continuous feedback, finding issues, and suggesting solutions – you guys ROCK!!

Anti-ASIC Major Network Update

Last week GRAFT network was successfully updated (“hard forked”) with a new version of GRAFT software that introduced a new variation of the PoW hash algorithm which prevents ASIC mining. The major network update has applied a new variation of CryptoNight hash algorithm (CN variant 2) which is currently ASIC-resistant.

The major network update (aka hard fork) in GRAFT mainnet was triggered on Wednesday, October 31st at block 207,700. As a reminder, major network update means that if you are running a GRAFT network node (graftnoded) you must upgrade to the latest software. If you haven’t done it yet, please do it ASAP, otherwise your node will be either disabled or connected to the wrong chain. Note that users of GRAFT mobile and desktop wallets are not affected by the hard fork and should not do anything.

Customer Facing Applications

While the core GRAFT developers were focused on RTA Alpha, other developers continued working on hardware payment terminal apps, exchange brokers, and payment gateway for service providers. More specifically, last week they were working on the following tasks:
  • Exchange Broker Bitcoin status monitoring
  • Payment Gateway Email service enhancement
  • Verifone Terminal app error handling
  • Verifone Terminal app new UI
  • Payment Gateway DAPI status monitoring

Please see below the screenshots of the new Verifone terminal app UI. The new UI, remastered for accepting payments in multiple cryptocurrencies, is being tested now before submitting to Verifone for recertification. Currently, both GRFT and BTC are supported on GRAFT and Bitcoin mainnets, with more altcoins coming very soon.

Finally, some in the community have expressed concerns about the issues they identified that are not getting addressed in a timely manner or being “ignored”. We would like to assure you that we take all the comments and pull requests very seriously. The timing of when those get addressed has to align with our development timeline though as each request has to be carefully evaluated, integrated, and set up for proper testing.

In terms of the team’s skill set, we want to assure everyone that we have one of the most capable teams we’ve ever had the privilege of working with over our longish careers. We have over 150 years of combined experience and education in the field among us and multiple PhD’s and professional certifications on the team. We have built very robust and secure systems at the core of Cisco, Sonicwall, NCR, and HP in the past. We study relentlessly and leverage the best known methods in the field and the latest research being done out of MIT and Stanford.

We take this project very seriously and pour our heart and soul into it, using everything we know, but most importantly – leveraging what already works. Payment-processing blockchain is not the place for wild experimentation.

With that said, we look forward to more pull requests in the spirit of a real community open source project.

Looking forward to another exciting week and Happy GRAFTing!

GRAFT Weekly Development Status Update October 29th, 2018

It’s been another hard working week for GRAFT devs, and here is another update on GRAFT development status.

RTA Alpha

A new major version update for the RTA Alpha supernode has been released to the private Alpha testing group. This release includes stabilized communication between supernodes as well as fixes for the bugs found during alpha testing. There were fixes in the logging subsystem, and also now we can collect application logs from all the nodes in alphanet using syslog. We’ve started collecting alpha testers’ feedback, which typically comes in a form of suggestions, issue reports, and even pull requests. Once the team and the alpha group are “OK” with the version, the supernodes will be released to the Public Alpha where everyone can test them to prepare for the actual supernode hosting after RTA Beta is launched on the mainnet. We even plan to provide “stimulus” RTA transactions on the Public Alpha so supernode owners can “feel” the real traffic and estimate their income. We will announce the specific Public Alpha release date later this week at the Malta Blockchain Summit.

Anti-ASIC Major Network Update

Last week GRAFT devs released a new version of GRAFT software for the upcoming major network update that will introduce a new version of the PoW hash algorithm which prevents ASIC mining. The major network update will apply a new variation of CryptoNight hash algorithm (CryptoNight V8 / CN variant 2) which is currently ASIC-resistant. The source code of the new version 1.5.1 can be downloaded from master. The Linux (both Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04) and Windows binaries are available for download from github.

The major network update (aka hard fork) in GRAFT mainnet is scheduled for Wednesday, October 31st at block 207,700. As a reminder, major network update means that if you are running a GRAFT network node (graftnoded) you must upgrade to the latest software before October 31st. If you haven’t done it yet, please do it within the next 48 hours, otherwise your node will be disconnected from the mainnet. Note that users of GRAFT mobile and desktop wallets are not affected by the hard fork and should not do anything.

Customer Facing Applications

Other developers are working on Payment Gateway, Exchange Broker, and Verifone Terminal App. During the last week, among other things, they have been working on generic status monitoring, advanced UI, advanced reporting, and consuming a new RTA API provided by the Payment Gateway. The next major tasks and milestones for this team are online payment implementation (integration with eCommerce platforms) and implementing additional cryptos as a method of payment (currently, GRFT and BTC can be processed by the payment gateway and exchange broker, and accepted at the payment terminal app). We will keep you posted on the development of those important features.

Decentralized Exchanges

We believe that decentralized exchanges are the future. Bisq is one of the true decentralized exchanges, and GRAFT trading is available there. Please let us know if you have any suggestions regarding decentralized exchanges listings.

Happy GRAFTing!

GRAFT “Anti-ASIC” Major Network Update 1.5 on October 31, 2018

Last Updated: October 25, 2018

GRAFT developers just released a new version of GRAFT software for the upcoming major network update that will introduce a new variation of the PoW hash algorithm which prevents ASIC mining. Network hashrate is important, but it is not the only factor in blockchain security. The way this hash power is distributed between the miners is also important. ASICs break the balance and facilitate centralization (concentration of hash power) which can be dangerous for the network.

The major network update will apply a new variation of CryptoNight hash algorithm (CryptoNight V8 / CN variant 2) which is currently ASIC-resistant. The source code of the new version 1.5.1 can be downloaded from master. The Linux (both Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04) and Windows binaries are available for download from github.

The major network update (aka hard fork) in GRAFT mainnet is scheduled for Wednesday, October 31st at block 207,700 (block 194,130 in GRAFT testnet tomorrow, October 24, 2018).

The major network update means that if you are running the GRAFT network node (graftnoded) you must upgrade to the latest software before October 31st. If you do not upgrade your node before October 31st, it will be disconnected from the mainnet. Note that users of GRAFT mobile and desktop wallets are not affected by the hard fork and should not do anything – as long as they are still connected to the default proxy supernodes (if you are connected to your own supernode, do not forget to upgrade the underlying network node).