After working closely with the Verifone team over the last six months on developing and certifying GRAFT Network integration using Verifone’s brand new Connect application platform, we’re proud to announce passing of the main phase of the rigorous certification process as of the end of last week, making GRAFT one of the first applications on the platform and first one to enable cryptocurrency payments using Verifone’s interactive series payment terminals.
The integration app is running on the RTA Testnet, so not yet compatible with the Mainnet (pending Full Supernode release), and some of the configuration options are pending Verifone platform updates. However, merchants and other eco-system participants can start testing things out in preparation for the launch on Mainnet.
Overall, we’re very happy to be partnering with Verifone, excited about the push into enabling alternative methods of payment and other interactive applications on their formidable new terminal platforms.
The payment terminal space is quickly emerging and going through a transformation of its own, both on the device level with a “Single Unit” (POS/Terminal) conversion and on the software level with application platforms, opening up greater possibilities for innovation!